Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Then Comes...

Previously on Johnston Clan FTW:  We met, we danced, we carried on.  We laughed, we kissed, we said our vows.  We worked, we played, and life went on...

Two brief years later I find myself reflecting back on all that we've accomplished, the loved ones we'll miss, the friendships we've forged, and the relationships we're happy to have.  Tonight in particular, I am looking ahead towards that next big adventure, full of more surely unforgettable moments yet to come.  (humor me and read the photos/captions below in order, starting with top left and ending on bottom me.)

Yes, yes! You read that last one right!  It still feels weird to say it out loud, but we are in fact having a baby.  Our next big adventure is on its way and we'll be in full-blown "adventure mode" this winter, with a due date of December 3rd (though Chris is convinced it's the 4th).  Which means, for those of you who haven't already pulled out your calculators, I am 19 weeks along as of today. 

The photo above is of our baby at just shy of 14 weeks, a profile view of his or her head and body.  I am more than happy to be out of the first trimester now and about half way through my second trimester (or, what the pregnancy websites I find myself on non-stop these days call "the honeymoon period").  We have our next ultrasound next Wednesday at 20 weeks.  We can hardly wait to see the baby again and are equally as anxious to find out the gender!  Chris is not so quietly rooting for a boy, but can you blame him?  If we had a little boy anything like him, I'd be more than thrilled.  As for myself, I just want a happy and healthy baby more than anything! (and maybe one who sleeps through the night?)

I'll have much more to share about the baby and pregnancy in blog posts to come (I assure you, because I pretty much can't think about anything else these days), but for tonight I'll leave you with our exciting news to cherish and one more pic of the baby we found particularly entertaining.  We call it "Raptor Baby!" Rawr!!

To be continued...


  1. Chris is wrong, your raptor is going to steal my birthday!! Ok, he or she is more than welcome to have it :)

  2. Haha! We'll see! Just one more reason to celebrate the day! ;)

  3. Ahhhhh!! This is the best new ever!!! I am so excited for you two! Oh what a beautiful baby you're going to have...and what awesome parents you're going to be!!! Love you!!
